- How does the Cavitron Touch screen work?
“Capacitive Touch” similar to widely used touch screen cell phones.
- Does Cavitron Touch have both boost and turbo?
There is no longer a turbo button on the unit. Boost is activated by depressing the foot pedal into the second position. This will increase power by at least 25% not to exceed 100%. (Example – If the power level is set to 30%, boost will increase the power to 55%. If the power level is set to 90%, boost will increase the power to 100%.)
- When in Boost mode, will the digital number change on the Cavitron Touch screen?
No. It will remain at the power level which it is set. Boost will provide 25% more power.
- While the touch screen is locked, is scaling disabled?
Yes – The user must unlock the screen to enable scaling.
- How do I access the settings menu, set presets, and lock/unlock the touch screen?
Press and hold each button for 2 seconds.
- How do I wake up the unit once it enters sleep mode?
Touch the screen or tap the foot pedal.
- Does the Cavitron Touch screen work with both wet and dry gloves?
- Can you wipe the whole unit down with disinfecting wipes?
- What are the dimensions of the unit?
8.875” high, 6.75” wide w/holder, 10” deep.
- What is the weight of the Cavitron Touch unit?
4.4 lbs.
- Can a DualSelectTM be used with Cavitron Touch?
Yes (DualSelect SKU - 80528).
- What is the function of the USB on the front of the unit?
Tap-OnTM foot pedal charging.
- Can the Steri-Mate Handpiece be used on the Cavitron Touch?
- Is Steri-Mate 360 compatible with older Cavitron® systems such as the Cavitron Plus or Cavitron SelectTM SPSTM?
No – The only table top system Steri-Mate 360 is compatible with is the Cavitron Touch and the featherweight handpiece cable.
- What is the weight difference between the Cavitron Touch Handpiece Cable and traditional cables?
Cavitron Touch Handpiece cable – 39g
Cavitron Plus/Jet Plus Handpiece cable – 54g
- Important information about the foot pedal as it relates to charging.
The Foot Pedal is shipped in the OFF position. To turn ON the Foot Pedal, press and hold the red power button on the bottom of the foot pedal for 2-3 seconds. If the Foot Pedal is plugged into the unit but the Foot Pedal is not turned ON, the Foot Pedal will NOT charge. If the Foot Pedal is OFF but plugged into the unit, the Foot Pedal will operate the unit but will NOT charge. The Foot Pedal must be ON to charge.
- Is the Cavitron Touch Tap-On foot pedal compatible with the Cavitron Plus unit?
No – The foot pedal has updated Bluetooth technology that is specific to the Cavitron Touch unit.
- How long will it take the foot pedal to charge?
Up to 4 hours.
- How long will the foot pedal last on a full charge?
Approximately 1 month (dependent on usage).
- Does the foot pedal come factory synced to the Cavitron Touch unit?
- Will my foot pedal ever unlink from the Cavitron Touch unit?
If you press the sync icon in the settings menu is pressed, the Foot Pedal will unlink from the unit. The user will have to resync the Foot Pedal to the unit. To resync the Foot Pedal, press the sync icon in the settings menu. At the same time, press and hold the sync button on the bottom of the Foot Pedal for at least 3-4 seconds. You will hear a sound from the unit that will indicate a successful sync.

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